Welcome kids!
Our school

This is our school. It (our school) is called Vennbruchschule. The Vennbruchschule is almost 80 years old.
Altogether 300 children attend our elementary school. We have 13 forms: Four first and three second, third and fourth classes.
17 teachers work at our school. They are called Mrs Brenscheidt, Mrs Brücker, Mr Deniz, Mrs Dumont, Mrs Ecke, Mrs Haering, Mrs Hartmann, Mrs Heitmann, Mrs Jaskolka, Mrs Kroehnert, Mrs Limbeck, Mr Müller-Ziethoff, Mrs Müthlein, Mrs Nolte, Mrs Seifert, Mr Sieke and Mrs Tscherpel. Our headmaster is called Mr Steuwer. In addition there are a caretaker, Mrs Langhoff and a secretary, Mrs Szymaniak.
The lessons begin at 8 o'clock. According to their age the pupils have four to six hours of instruction a day. Our subjects are: German language, mathematics, science, art, music, physical education, swimming, Turkish, religion and beginning with the third form we learn English.
During the breaks we play on the school playground. Many children play football. Others play catch, hide and seek, skipping, ball games, swing or climb on the climbing frame.
More than 100 children stay at school until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After the lessons they do their homework and have lunch in the school kitchen. From 2 to 4 o'clock they can choose what they like to do: Acting, dancing, doing handicrafts or sport, painting and much more.